Who We Are  >> Strategy & Values

~:: Our Strategy ::~

  •   Application of bottom up methodology
  •   Application of improved livelihood principles
  •   Networking with all stakeholders for better service delivery
  •    Promote propagate new ideas and thoughts with great challenges
  •   Community led and people centred
  •   Specific improvisations through location specific, intensive IEC campaign and involving women groups & civil bodies

~:: Core Values ::~

  1. Dignity & justice

    Organization beleive that this reinforces the vision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) that demands meeting basic human needs & recognizes the indivisibility & interdependence of all human rights, whether they are civil and political rights, or social and cultural rights. On the other hand the justice principle is present in all the major human rights treaties and provides the central theme of all forms of discrimination against women, children and the persons with disability.

  2. Compassion & Committment

    This value is about strategic and sustainable excellence; without knowledge, only few improvements are achievable. Knowledge about rural development is already available in the world through various supports such as books, internet or experts.

  3. Inclusion & respect for diversity

    Know the diversity goals and vision and its connection to the overall development objectives. Organization is committed to the process by understanding how diversity impacts the success of the diversity initiative. Moreover benefiaciaries are being treated as their wish in the form of culture, socio-economic background, education level, geographic location, sexual orientation, thought, and many others.

  4. Transparency & accountability

    Organization always lead projects with operational and professional excellence along with transparency and accountablity with the stakeholders at all level. Efficiency in the projects implementation requires a well planned process-oriented and matrix driven approach. Once they are planned and executed, the evolution of the result is constantly monitored and deviations from the initial objective rectified.